Slimming exercise

Deficiency, excess weight — collateral, Vitality, Wellness and health. A slim figure, gives self-confidence and self-esteem improves. It is possible to reduce weight without exercise at home — slimming exercises should be followed by.

breathing exercises

Slimming exercises for different houses:

  • women;
  • men;
  • children;
  • obese patient;
  • the body who run drying.

Glean the cost of adaptation to exercise, according to desire, ability, age, weight and height, as well as individual characteristics.

It's on the internet articles with exercises weight let to lose weight per week, however, it is important to remember, successful excess weight to get rid of Forever — fluency. Best weight loss exercise gradual towards a lifestyle change, not a last effect.

There is a classical ideal in a gym or at home slimming Gymnastics hardware:

  • yoga;
  • pilates;
  • is stretching.

In class the emphasis is on stretching and Relaxing Body Complex Nov In this direction to reduce the fat layer. Slimming gymnastics equipment and is easily performed at home that does not require hardware. Systematic activities to obtain relaxation and slimming effect Nov. It is recommended to achieve the result & nbsp physical load to combine with any restricted diet.

A universal rule's weight:

Thin body — more calories than you consume, more consumption. Any slimming regime will be effective if proper nutrition and exercise accompany them in the House.

When and where it is better to start

Look at the process of losing weight, first of all, healing. Overweight negatively affect health, and understand the necessary diet, weight you with the following features:

  • feel tired, sleep and appetite control constantly;
  • if pinned nutrition, low quality food a lot of food and food additives;
  • if you have symptoms of high blood pressure or diabetes;
  • because I feel the weight of, body aches, flu symptoms;
  • you it was difficult to maintain, familiar activity and exercise;
  • when you run it appears that the snoring got any exercise, sweating, and palpitations.

There is a mathematical approach, by definition, extreme weight loss:

BMI (body mass index) = weight (kg) : height (meters) x height (meters)

25 the index value that is considered to be normal. If the figure is higher, indicating that the reset needs the weight, in this case the weight starts adverse health effects. The index says more than 30 in the first stage obesity. Fitness weight loss is a great way for you to bring yourself to build desired shape and feel. There are weight changes, that will be able to choose to start an exercise from the course, according to is an individual choice. The setting of calculate calories according to your eating plan composing and stick figures. The basic issues to be body fat secure an amount for the loss of attention:

  • doesn't have to believe in tomorrow more than 1 kg of lean mass a week is the best way to protect Nov;
  • cannot significantly reduce the fat content of your nutrition, it should be 20%;
  • diet should be balanced and not necessarily the vitamins, minerals and supplements.

Effective slimming breathing exercises

Breathing plays an important role in the functioning of the body. This is possible to ensure that not only his livelihood, but and regulate internal processes. It is considered best exercise for weight loss breathing exercises. There are a lot of advantages:

  • oxygen helps nutrients that are in;
  • breathing exercises that encourage the breakdown of harmful substances;
  • which helps reduce the stress hormone in the body;
  • slimming Gymnastics and breathing, you can perform home;
  • positive effects on female organs;
  • right here waiting for you when Super effect.

The basic principle is to use each technique, abdominal breathing inhale, and exhale, inflating the abdomen. A different combining technique, the techniques presented are great to bring Do your body a favor. Time course less than 20 minutes. Over payment a lot of time every day, before I forget, a warm-up, quick and easy to achieve the desired effect.

Below is the sound of hip

Depending on the intensity of any physical activity helps reduce the layer of fat on clothing loads all body parts are equal. However, out there exercises, directed study, specific regions. The complex also applies to thighs and buttocks is appropriate for them.

The five basic exercises for weight loss suitable for beginners:

  1. Standing on all fours, remove the order, each leg up and bend the knee voltage occurs before hip. Keep a straight back and upright torso. Distribute equal load on all fours. Each leg 15 of the water again 3-4 approach.
  2. Squat technique is “plié”. That is different from usual, but need to do squats, legs widely spread. In this way, the inner thighs the rest of your life. 3 approach to 15 times.
  3. IPI jumping. This game is ideal for a hip, including the most effective childhood at home. You need to jump, boot socks. Therefore, the optimum load obtained caviar is being worked on. The time — the multi again for 5 minutes.
  4. By using a low bench or any protruding surface, and at a fast pace to get up. You should do exercise for about 5 minutes, constantly and various approaches. Try to keep your body hard.
  5. Easy, full, first, traditional squats. The remaining support foot, a legendary evening before Crysis-cross do squat. This exercise allows the load to shift the focus of the support leg hip and thigh muscles and productive life. Do 3-4 approach 15 each leg again.

The value of the exercise for a successful outcome adhering to the mode of life in which to lose weight easily at home. The best way to do 4-5 times a week, that breaks the rest of the body, and restore. Calculate and save the program created on the day when you are exercising, adhering to lesson plans. If you do this, the most effective training.

Thin legs that we do

The foot for a perfect fit every day exercise for weight loss complex. This simple, but effective, therefore, suitable for beginners, detailed, sports activities:

  1. Mahi standing up straight feet do different body side. It is simple to ensure you can take the propeller from the front. Do it slowly, you work the muscles correctly. In addition, some 3-4 repeat 15 times.
  2. Squats are capable of not only actively the movement the hips and buttocks. 3 approach 15-20 times. Try to prevent damage knelt in a seamless stunted.
  3. The running time helps reduce body mass, without an unnecessary effort. Most effective interval running — running at a normal pace for about 4 minutes, with a maximum of 60 seconds at a pace that is right for you alternative.

Work involved an exercise to help you lose weight running in hot weather you can train on the street. Cardiovascular drop weight is considered to be the best on the subject. Not only to lose weight but also to strengthen the sports activities, which develop the body in general. This study included enjoy technology and like to indulge you — in that case, weight loss for you is a nice bonus.

Create a flat stomach

If that bothers you excess weight in the abdominal area, slimming simple exercises to help. Own complex, including a number of simple for a technician in the area of the abdominal region and the fat reduction side:

  1. Swing press. Back sleeping position is necessary. Do it and put your hands behind your head and slowly pull the upper body in an attempt to place. Abdominal muscles technique due to imply the right voltage. In addition, some approaches 10-15 4-5 times.
  2. Planck effective workout for the abdominal and lateral. Lying on your back, you tore the palm or elbow and upper body place to sit. After that, do you sit on his legs. The four points of balance your body: two palms and two feet. Static electricity to stand in the effort to feed as long as possible. Optimum time — 5 minutes.
  3. An important lesson for a thin waist and flat stomach "vacuum". To be a full breath, deep and heavy breathing in the abdomen himself. The "vacuum" slimming initial results can be seen in a week. 5 minutes on an empty stomach to realize its worth by reducing the muscles and more.
  4. Edge press. This is a classic version of the different types of physical exercise, thereby the first position — not lying down behind. The side press allows you to pump up to create oblique abdominal muscles, waist and to burn fat in this area. Do 5 sets each side 10 times.
  5. Lies in the location please. Hand foot and pull forward to get the nape. Breathing lift the foot up, like, "pushing" their press the Alt key. The effects of exercise is the most problematic part of the abdomen, deposits which accumulate primarily. Do 5 sets of 10 times.

For fast weight loss at home, especially when it comes to your wife, significant results ideal to maintain power. By reducing the amount of physical exercises such as shape easily promote your wife.

Back to them to make her very elegant

Looking for many new athletes-training program, slimming not forgetting all the groups that are not covered by a Nov back. Spine — an extremely important organ that supports the entire body system and make him move. Excess weight is usually the root cause of violation Nov-engine machine. This exercise will help to prevent back pain and strengthen the body in it in a comprehensive way:

drinking during weight loss
  1. Lie on your back and arms straight throughout the body tracking. Pelvic breath remove from the place, caving, back. Pause 1-2 seconds and reached the top of the right exercise means. Ile breath — go to its original position. Replays 20-30 times.
  2. Position sitting on a cushion, his hands up by creating a thriller. Tightening the muscles of the buttocks, Matte them in the act back and forth for 5 minutes spaced.
  3. A standing lift a leg and put him straight on the protruding surface. The second foot flat on the ground. Lean forward stretching of the leg muscles, body and breath. Do 5 sets of 10 times.
  4. Sitting on the floor and in his hand a ridge of steep, take a deep breath. Breathable seamless in a way backwards, hands, fingers, feet, before I forget, back in position. A job to do 10-20 times.
  5. Lying on your back, pull, arm straight throughout the body. Exhale, lift the lower body, leaving the shoulder blade is on the floor. For a while the head flat of the foot as much as possible. Do 15 repetitions with 2-3 approach.

There are varieties ideal for weight spine. Strengthen your back, able to not only complex, exercise, weight loss, at home, and all kinds of sports and leisure (swimming).

Hand tightens

Athletes, exercise for beginners, often forget, a note in his hand and more important, in their opinion, the regions. However, always consider the hands and say something about their appearance to a large extent, therefore, add value, and pumping them fitness exercises:

  1. You will need weights, water bottles or any other weight. Easy, full body tilt forward. Hand weights along Bath hips to draw breath. Repeat 15-20 times 3 approach.
  2. By using the same equipment, shakes. Her hands slowly inhale and exhale and take them to a different side each other with emotion, suspense. In addition, some approach 4 to 15 times.
  3. Sinav is considered the most effective workout for hand pumping. The starting position — the same rigging, the location, the hands just a little wider. Slowly bend the elbows and safe for a while, a breath back to the original position. 3 approach you need to do 10 times.

Dropping weight on-demand application and Sports Club. Today there is a mass fitness alternatives — changing online occupations ending with Slimming exercise at home for men and women. To achieve a desired result, if any financial and resource properties.

Speed results for proper nutrition

It may be that quality slimming body weight per exercise is sufficient. Their power to make the proposed adjustments mode instead of the useful products of poor quality and harmful alternatives. But don't overdo it — a strong stress, stress to live and the body shops oils.

healthy eating

Attention deficit, calorie

There is the golden rule of slimming body to burn fat deposits, time spends, the more calories it consumes.

Calorie counting rule into account, Mifflin-San Giorgio:

Basic metabolism = (9.99 * weight in KG) + (6.25 * height) – (4.92 * age in years) – 161.

You need to multiply the resulting number factors physical activity (1,2-2,0), the level of appreciation soberly, and then you get the result 20%. The result is the daily calories you need and they signify for you. Try the following figure obtained without fanaticism.

Unhealthy food provokes arthritis in the body it contributes to the emergence of acne disorders, intestinal and extra weight. Reducing body weight must concentrate on incremental quality results. Of course, slimming diet and regular exercise the future now. To enter the value of the results to the list of sports hobbies and secure and a happy new lifestyle.