Me any diet exercise is not recommended for health reasons. However, when OK is steadily increasing the weights and sugar have a dangerous face on the variable to search for is a way out. As it was, to think about to lose weight at least 1kg per week. finally, state assistance center specialist. The card has become a disease brought bouquet wait for the decision. The doctor is positive that is configured. My concerns related to that effect, changes in diet and the effect of this body, as well as to help only those foods included in the menu, I'm eating constantly.

Slow weight loss benefits
The benefits of such a regime, weight loss, Nutrition, diets highly recommended weight fast without resorting to patients at a slow pace. What is the advantage to slowly get rid of extra weight? It's a stable result. The only day a fast way to lose weight for a considerable lack of calories. The feeling of hunger of living humans, constantly acts to deprive himself. Backers generally, fast diets, how to lose weight in the first place an event, and then everything goes back to normal. Course products are banned, harmful sweets and snacks. Gradual weight loss gives the body an opportunity to recover. This is a conscious process of nature and desire, not just weight, but a lifestyle change. Skin loses its elasticity. When full, The quickly a person loses weight, his skin sagging and the body is loose. Gradual weight gain not only the desired settings figure but and toned body. Changing your eating habits. By eating properly to lose weight learns healthy diet based constitute products. The process will take a few months, a person manages to readjust to a new diet and endear her. Proper nutrition has become a way of life. This result, in which you must make the effort.
For losing weight, 1 kg-day tobacco burning calories, control
Then you have set yourself a goal for the calorie intake necessary for the control and registration for a special magazine. The calories you can use many accounts on the internet. But the best consult a physician dietitian, an individual power system. A woman needs 2000 calories daily, and men 2500 calories. Believe in a successful tomorrow 1 kg a week, which is required to burn at least 1000 calories. Daily fee to reduce it to 500 and close to 500 calories using the exercise. Magazine slimming and stick to the right strategies that will allow you to monitor the process. Must exercise and burn at least 500 calories. For this you can do the following:load
- Jogging for 30 minutes.
- 35 minutes Jump Rope.
- Aerobic low intensity for 60 Minutes.
- 60 Minutes swimming.
- Select the most preferred type of load, and from your home every day.
If you exercise, then it remains to get rid of another 500 calories a day. To do this, that is familiar to change your diet. Fewer calories than with neutral foods, but a sufficient amount of nutrients.
- No COLA vegetables.
- Fruit, low sugar.
- Low-fat dairy products.
To avoid snack between meals long enough to allow them to select products.
7500-9500 day is considered moderate physical activity steps. To increase the density of 10,000 steps a day. Try more walking, stair climbing, a walk in the park after work, less use public transport. While the phone is on, no sleeping, a sofa and a walk in room. Therefore, you can burn approximately 350 calories.
To give up snacking
Snacking during a person consume a lot of calories. The feel strong hunger, select snacks with calories in a small amount. To compare the following options are available.
- Apple 52 calories in 100gr, 100gr against potato – 274 calories.
- 100gr applesauce – 76 calories, against Ice Cream 100gr – 201 calories.
- 100gr yogurt – 50 calories, against 100gr cheese – 360 calories.
- 100g carrot – 42 calories, chips 100gr against – 544 calories.
- 100g strawberries – 40 calories, against 100gr cherry – 77 calories.
Balanced nutrition
Sure, healthy the recommended proportions:
- 50% vegetables.
- 25% starch.
- 25% protein products.
Self-help or nutritionist should determine the individual is the product of combining proportions. After a while, quickly identify products containing fewer calories. Here you can read more on this. Also, slimming slim drink a delicious beverage of chocolate, which extra pounds.
Help with the housework, lose weight
Less laundry, help for household chores to burn 500 calories. Here are some of the activities, allow 30 minutes to burn calories:
- Mop floor washing – 125 calories.
- Iron – 90 calories.
- Window washing – 100 calories.
- Dog wash – 125 calories.
The garden believe in tomorrow helps 1 kg per week
Summer work in the Garden tomorrow an hour lets believe in to 500 calories. Helps you to spend a pleasant time. Therefore, during the summer months, work, to do business on a plot, at least 2 hours a week.
Belly dance
For a fun way to burn calories and look sexy, good, then belly dancing will be the best option. 180-300 calories depending on the intensity can burn for an hour. The advantage of this method is that the working muscles during the dance, hip, knee, and belly.
Slimming hula hoop
Hula-hoop is a game just for kids, but at the same time allowing an effective activity to burn calories. Missing with good intensity at about 10 calories a minute, so at least one to burn 500 calories at least an hour. In addition, this exercise provides muscles, abdomen, back and legs.
A few ways to lose weight 1 kg per week
If you want to lose weight in the shortest time? You need to use only secure methods, such as a threat to the health of the carrier and about the topics that will be taken today. Also be realistic and remember, if you will continue, you will be able to follow them will fall 500-900 grams a week.
Drink water
One of the best ways to lose weight and reset to 1.5 kg 7 days – just a drink of water. Of course, a soda or energy that's much more useful, but that's not all. Except you diet desserts and fruit juices (natural fruit juices in question). Water Supports healthy fluid balance in the body, metabolism speeds up and much thirst better than other drinks. So if you didn't like, the taste of her, just add a few drops of your favorite citrus in a glass of water or some mint.
Follow carb
Them a full exception. Your body needs carbohydrates to work properly, and without them the diet will not be healthy. Refined grains whole wheat bread and pasta instead of refined carbs, just eat away. Also avoid refined sugar. Remember, a healthy alternative to fresh vegetables and fruit for him. They contain the carbs you need.
Consume more than you burn
More tip it is best, however, is often overlooked.Lose the weight you desire? If you expend more energy than you consume. Staying physically active: visit a gym, exercise, home, run, or bike ride. Select the course and love it.
If you want to burn as many calories – don't push the heart to work harder, so do some cardio!
Regular cardio exercises are one of the most effective ways to reset overweight. You a sports game is now running daily, often face. Sinav, such as endurance exercise, squat, twist, too, has a great significance. To the gym, use the treadmill, stepper, and, of course, the ellipsoid. So , not only weight, but health is a priceless favor to bring.
Don't neglect bedtime
Sleep an extra half hour and play a positive role in! You properly stick to a diet to be able to relax easier and have more energy with exercise. Of course, it's not worth the long sleep. To bed 30 minutes before or 15 minutes after the sender even if the difference is positive changes. If you follow the tips given in a tone so you can protect yourself, and save the results. It all depends, regular activity and proper nutrition. Overweight starts to decrease gradually and make you look and feel good for 100! Anything you have and tips about weight 1,5 kg a week?
How to lose weight 1 kg per week: tips and menu
Effective tips:
- To spend a productive day fasting.
- We drink normal water during the day to bring plenty of water as toxins of the body.
- Apple is also eating and drinking a glass of yoghurt every two hours. Having a drink with percent less fat, but lean.
- Suitable for effective weight loss wheat, salt and spices. Yeah, maybe it's not tasty, but useful and good quality. Necessary semolina pour boiling water and drunk for a few hours, preferably all night. Eat small meals 5 times a day received, Yesil tea or yogurt.
- Surely, active exercise, walking, swimming, swim, descargar Nov. The most appropriate one to select a sport spirit.
- A simple walk to the park and it will be helpful before going to bed, fresh air, wonders, natural, energy and vitality, calming the nervous system, normalizes sleep.
The previous day before embarking on a diet of herbal tea before going to bed on an empty stomach to drink a cup better. A day menu is this:
- Breakfast – a glass of warm water to drink to accept and douches.
- Lunch is always the answer – some Apple and a cup of chamomile tea with Yesil.
- Lunch always, the answer is 150 GR chicken breast, dinner salad or roasted vegetables with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
- For five o'clock tea cucumber.
- Dinner tomato soup with fresh parsley.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, clean, aerated.
Low calorie diet
Representation system, proper nutrition, basic principles the following: you will never hunger all day. Such a result is used to obtain power. During dinner five times a day (3 main reception + snacks that allowed product). The content that can accommodate a standard plate glass. Food stretches the stomach, and an unhealthy appetite that will scale. Move more, walk. Without fanaticism – if this didn't do sports before, a self-loading for the first day, it's not worth it. So, extreme fatigue, Nov, and then you will not be able to train for a long while. A train ride, an exercise gym, dance or stretch at home. Select a profession, a joy that will bring. Drink more water. Blunts hunger, accelerates metabolic processes, and a keen sense of liquid. Eight glasses per day and more per day. Tea and coffee are also taken into account, but all the drinks contain sugar. Get ready!
Products that are allowed in the fridge all the time, let's satisfy your hunger. Spend some time, dinner, a full meal of it. There's recipes, a cooking is not only delicious but also useful. Squeezed fresh food quickly without ingenuity, and it's not to prevent the crisis. Fixed dialling from the list of more different products included in your diet for taken into the body, the right amount of beneficial ingredients. List-containing foods, vegetable and animal. What? Fish (any), beef, turkey, rabbit and chicken meat (Goose and duck). Eggs (all birds). Dairy products fat-1,5 %. If I can't live without cooking, according to him, rice and oat flour, butter and sugar and cream. A handful of varieties of hard wheat pasta (lunch 1 time per day and always answer). Fruit (besides watermelon, banana, Persimmon, grapes). Vegetables (this is carrots, beets, beans, and potatoes). Count calories. Eat a maximum of at least 800 to 1200 kcal / day, appropriate daily physical activity. These arrangements can't eat much less, this is equivalent to a hunger strike. A calculator calorie meals and foods a calorie counter is simple to ensure that is also. Respect, 2 kg these suggestions, you can reset, save, health and eating habits change.
Day of fasting
1 edit per day maximum recommended discharge once a week. Spurge in a manner that is especially popular slimming. This Yeşilova, tea, milk. To prepare 1 liter milk 200 grams low fat to dilute with a little boiled water and allow to cool. Then add milk, 3 tablespoons Yesil tea. Insisting a mixture of, preferably half an hour. It is recommended to drink a glass every hour is a tense. Apart from this, the proposed 2 liters of pure drinking water. Diet to eliminate these days, black tea, alcoholic beverages, bakery products, desserts, coffee. Also for unloading dinner cocktail, yogurt, and sugar beets. For this boil the beets, salt, grate, mix with ground beef or use a quart of kefir. Get 6 pieces of Split and a Milkshake at the same time. It can't be more. To this day that a few extra pounds, but the weight loss due to reduce the excretion of the fluid that you need to know and volumes. Where the oil remains. For you to lose weight if needed urgently, this method is ideal.